Dr Ronald Fiorentino MD, qualified as a Medical Doctor at the University of Malta in 1988 and has served in the field of Geriatrics for the past 20 years. Obtained his Post-Graduate Diploma in Geriatrics and Gerontology with Honours from the University of Malta and a Master’s in Business Administration – Henley Business College and the University of Reading, presenting a research study on the quality of life, perception of value and customer satisfaction at a long-stay care facility. Dr Fiorentino also worked for three (3) years on the Group of Experts on Preventing Dependency among Older People, at the Council of Europe, Strasbourg which led to a publication bearing the same title. He also actively participated in the drafts of the Madrid Plan of Action, the EU Presidency Conference on Long-term care for older persons and a delegate for UNECE Ministerial Conference on Ageing. As a Consultant / Personal Assistant to the Parliamentary Secretary at the Ministry for Social Policy, the Elderly and Persons with Special Needs, a massive investment and re-thinking about the service delivery and provision for the elderly were instigated leading to a fresh conceptualization of service delivery for older persons. Dr Fiorentino also served on various boards and committees including as Chairperson of the Maltese Association for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (MAPEA), General Secretary to the Geriatric Medicine Society of Malta (GMSM) as well as the National Committee for the Prevention of Older Persons abuse amongst others. His research featured both a management conceptualization of old age including: The mediating effect of perceived value on quality of care and customer satisfaction in a long-term care setting; Applying Customer Relationship Management to Long-term Elderly Care; The role of Relationship Management in Healthcare – taking a Telecare® approach and A Strategic Analysis of a Long-term Care Hospital apart from clinical topics such as Seasonal influences on SVPR patient admission and deaths over the years 2001 – 2004; the WHO Dementia Project and Falls among Older persons in a Long-term Residential Care Facility. Dr Fiorentino participated in publications as the Prevention of dependency in older people – Council of Europe Publication, Strasbourg, France. Contributor; A Long-term policy framework in long term care for the Elderly, as well as Draft Strategic Plan for the Prevention of Older Persons Abuse in the Maltese Islands. He is still actively involved in elderly care with a special interest in dementia and palliative care